How can I help?

“Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something”

  If you would like to support Teachers 4 Schools e.V.:

For donations from the EU

Please contact: contact (at)

You can make a donation directly to the following bank account:

Account name: Teachers 4 Schools e.V.
Bank: GLS Bank
IBAN: DE67 4306 0967 2027 4746 00

NB. Please ensure that you include the name of the project and school are included in your transfer reference.

To find out more about our current campaign to rebuild a library at Tujejreng Lower Basic School, The Gambia, click here

“‘I’d like to do something but don’t know how!’ That was me at the start of 2018. But rather than use it as an excuse not to do anything, I started talking to people. I asked them what I could do, I thought about fundraisers I’d met and admired, and I asked my friends for their help. The support I received was overwhelming. After that things just seemed to fall into place and little things were making big differences – Sameh was sent to Uganda and a school began being rebuilt without me even knowing.”

Andreas Grundtvig
Teachers 4 Schools Chair & Founding Member
“An individual can change the world when they start acting as if they are that person”

Sameh Marzouki


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