The Loving Hearts Primary School

The Loving Hearts Primary School, on the shore of Lake Bunyonyi, Uganda, was founded by Didan Atukunda. It is a sponsorship funded school for orphans and needy children. The school strives to create opportunities for disadvantaged children through a rounded educational curriculum, empowering them to break out of the cycle of poverty. The teachers, however, are extremely restricted, with ever increasing class sizes, extremely low rates of pay, and are in desperate need of training and support to be able to carry on their work. To find out more about this school, please see:
So far Teachers 4 Schools has...

Provided teacher training
Crowdfunded a one-month teacher training and support programme, sending teacher trainer Sameh Marzouki to the Loving hearts Primary School, near Kabale, Uganda (view photo album). Total raised: €1,108

Found sponsors
Found and provided sponsors for orphaned and needy pupils. If you would like to find out more about supporting a school, please contact us...

Supported teachers
Helped to reward teachers with an end of year bonus using a Facebook fundraiser. Total raised: €350

Provided classroom materials
Sent classroom materials and books donated by individuals and publishers. If you would like to help provide materials, please contact us...
Projects in planning
We continue to remain in close contact with the school and the teachers. Although no project is currently in place, Andreas has continued his support of the school and community through private initiatives.